Mass shootings seem on the rise, but throughout history, there have been many horrible incidents involving shooters whose goal is to kill as many people as possible with their guns.
There are good initiatives toward regulating gun purchases, and programs are available to help those in emotional need. Still, you must know how to keep safe when an incident occurs.
Are you prepared if a gunman starts firing? This is how to protect yourself from a mass shooting.
1. Weapon Detection

In some events, there are no barriers to control the movement of people, and it is a free-for-all about access. This makes it harder for security staff to protect the public at a large function. Consider what events you attend and how they control entry points at the venue. This is where mass shooters can smuggle in their weapons and, once inside, find a vantage point where they can inflict the most damage.
Many venues use AI screening for weapons detection at all points of entry. This gun detection technology allows crowds to move unhindered into different areas or inside buildings. Unbeknown to them, they are getting scanned for guns, knives and other banned weapons.
Once a weapon is detected, security can be quickly alerted and better immobilize a threat before becoming one. Smuggling in a gun is not cocked and ready to fire. It is still concealed and safer to confiscate because once a shooter has time and room to prepare, it is hard to get near them while shooting. Weapons detection hardware and software are the best defence for large-scale events to protect people from mass shootings.
2. Be Alert and Prepared

Whenever you are in a public space or attending an event with large crowds, it is important to be aware of the surroundings. Things can turn chaotic fast, so you must know how to read the situation and react swiftly to keep yourself safe.
Look for escape routes and keep them to memory, especially inside a building. You want to be able to escape to the nearest exit unless it is towards the violence, and you need to have a backup exit too. Pay attention to anyone acting out, and let your good judgment guide you. Separate yourself from anyone who looks like they may turn violent and report any suspicious activity to security or someone in charge.
Having a habit of safety is your best bet whenever you go out. This is especially true for large venues with big crowds. Mass shooters want to inflict the most damage they can, and a big crowd fits the bill. “Expect the best but prepare for the worst” is a good code to follow as this will help in any situation like a fire, accident or violent emergency. Try not to be paranoid but rather be cautious and ready for action.
3. Understand What Is Unfolding

Most people don’t react well to a mass shooting because it is easy to freeze and try and figure out what is happening instead of getting to safety. Then once they catch on, panic and hysteria can set in, creating chaos that doesn’t help the situation.
If you hear a popping sound in the crowd, immediately stop what you are doing and assess the situation. Look for firecrackers or balloons to see if it is an innocent occurrence, and get as much information as you can from looking and listening.
Then you need to respond fast and calmly. Trust your perception of danger and utilize your fight or flight reflex to escape harm’s way. The last thing you want to do is stay still because you become an easy target. Move swiftly to an exit and pay attention to what’s unfolding as you escape. When you actively participate in your survival, it will improve your chances of getting out without harm.
4. Get Out of the Kill Zone

Some mass shootings happen at places where you can’t leave. This may seem hopeless, but you must get yourself to a place of safety where you aren’t a direct target.
Staying down should only be a momentary plan as you look for escape routes. Find out where the shots are coming from and move to a non-accessible location. Then you can better make a plan for safety without having to be in the line of fire.
No one wants to be part of the crowd during a mass shooting. By using these tips, you will have the advantage of better keeping yourself safe and helping those around you.