
What to Do for Chronic Back Pain

Do you suffer from chronic back pain? This condition can be excruciating and can have a significant impact on your daily activities.

Chronic back pain can be caused by many issues, including injury, muscle strain, poor posture, pregnancy, or standing for long periods. This condition can leave you with shooting or burning pain in your back that may radiate up the neck and shoulders or into the legs. It can make lifting heavy items, bending over, and even walking challenging.

Fortunately, you can do many things to help you manage your chronic back pain. You can implement many tips into your daily routine to minimize your pain levels. Without chronic back pain, you will find everyday activities easier and more enjoyable.

Here is what to do for chronic back pain:

Stretch your back regularly.

Regular stretching helps keep the muscles of your back limber and mobile. Stretching in the morning will help relieve any stiffness before starting your day, and stretching before bed will relieve any tightness. You can talk to your chiropractor to determine the stretching routine that is right for your and your condition.

Stay active and exercise.

When you’re active, it helps keep your muscles warm and loose. Tight muscles can lead to back pain and don’t offer sufficient support to keep your body free from injury. Incorporating daily exercise into your day can help alleviate stiffness and pain and help your muscles grow and stay strong and supportive.

Visit your chiropractor regularly.

Your chiropractor is a specialist when it comes to back pain. The specialists at a chiropractor clinic are specially trained in dealing with the back. They can help realign your spine to reduce any symptoms you are experiencing. Your chiropractor can identify subluxations and help keep you in alignment and pain-free.

Manage your weight.

The bones and muscles of your body are only designed to carry a specific amount of weight. Putting on extra pounds can add a significant amount of strain. This can lead to increased back pain and further injury. To prevent this, eat a healthy and nutritious diet and stay active.

Keep a pain journal.

While many people may try to ignore their pain, studies have shown there are benefits to acknowledging it. By recognizing your pain, you may be better able to deal with it.

Keep a pain journal and write down your pain level that day and what activities may have contributed to it. This will give you a better understanding of what to avoid doing in the future.

Minimize your stress levels.

Stress management plays a vital role in all aspects of our lives – including how we manage our pain. If we are under tremendous stress, our mental health will suffer. This will decrease our ability to tolerate any chronic pain we may be feeling.

On top of this, stress causes our muscles to tense up, contributing to our pain and worsening our condition.

Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness practices, like meditation and breathing exercises, can help us keep chronic pain under control. Studies have shown that these practices help rewire your brain and make dealing with pain more manageable. Try meditating for a few minutes each morning when you wake and feel the difference it can make.

Use ice and heat on back pain.

Alternating between ice and heat therapy is a great way to deal with the symptoms of a back pain flare-up. Ice and heat can help reduce inflammation and speed up healing. They can significantly reduce feelings of pain and help you get back to your regular activities faster.

Make lifestyle modifications.

While your back heals, you may need to make certain lifestyle modifications. You may need to take a break from the activities you love, sleep in a different position, or refrain from lifting the grandkids.

By making these modifications, you are preventing further injury and are giving your back the time it needs to recuperate fully.

Use over-the-counter pain medications.

Over-the-counter pain medications can help take the edge off and make your chronic pain easier to manage. You can use pain relievers or muscle relaxants to minimize pain, reduce inflammation, and relax tight or spasming muscles. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to determine the best options for you.

Get plenty of rest.

When you are tired, your tolerance levels decrease considerably. This goes for how capable you are of managing your pain as well. Getting plenty of rest each night will make you wake up refreshed and stress-free. It also allows your body to heal and rejuvenate throughout the night. Aim for eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night.

Back pain is one of the most common injuries and affects many people yearly. It is one of the top reasons people visit their doctor’s office or emergency room. Dealing with chronic back pain can leave you with many discomforts, but it doesn’t have to.

You can significantly reduce your pain levels by adjusting to your daily routine and finding ways to cope with your condition. Try these eleven tips today and see what a difference they can make.

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